吉隆坡:外出关怀 Providing outdoor care with recitation ⎮ 2023.11.19
|日期|19-11-2023 (一)
🙏因缘:今天早上法会结束后,净本师父临时接到大众的祈请,前往吉隆坡Cheras 地区的医院(HCTM)关怀其家婆(陈老菩萨)。老人家近期被诊断为癌症末期,已入院将近两个月,而其孩子媳妇在网站看到师父弘法,并有外出到医院关怀病者,因此提出申请,希望师父来到医院关怀老人家,并给老人家传授三皈依。
After the Dharma session conducted this morning, Venerable Master Jing Ben received an request from a follower to visit a hospital in the Cheras area of Kuala Lumpur (HCTM) to offer care to her mother-in-law (Madam Tan). The elderly lady had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer and had been hospitalized for almost two months. Her daughter-in-law had come across the master's Dharma propagation on the website and, having seen his visits to hospitals to comfort the sick, so applied for his presence. The family hoped that Venerable Jing Ben would come to the hospital to care for mother and conduct the Three Refuges to her.
Although the mother's spirits were not in the best condition, she could still hear the master speak. The master recited a passage of the Three Refuges, and the elderly lady repeated it. The master also guided her in chanting Namo Amituofo. The master encouraged her, stating that she could chant the Buddha's name anytime, whether there were issues or not. During challenging times, listening to the Buddha's name could alleviate her suffering, and Amitabha Buddha would help minimize her illness. The master emphasized that when the time came for Amitabha Buddha to come, following him to the Pure Land would be the best course of action. The elderly lady agreed wholeheartedly.
May Amitabha Buddha bless the old mother in building her faith and chanting, alleviating her suffering, and ultimately guiding her to rebirth in the Pure Land. Namo Amituofo.
|道场|淨土宗 吉隆坡总部
|地址|57, Jln 18, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 KL.
|联系|+6019-4848 123
净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism
▪ 总主持:净本法师
▪ 马来西亚:+6019-4848 123
▪ 新加坡:+65-8818 4848
▪ 网站:https://www.plb-sea.org
▪ Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@plb18