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其他方式:银行汇款 Bank Transfer

国家: 马来西亚 Malaysia


户口号码: 800 738 172 6

户口名字: Persatuan Penganut Amitabha Buddha Selangor

银行地址: (Branch Selayang) 151, Jalan 2/3A, Off 12km, Jalan Ipoh, 68100 Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur.

户口地址: No.57, Jalan 18, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

International Swift Code: CIBBMYKL

* 转账供养后,请通知。
联系号码: +6019-4848 123 拨打

邮箱: plb.v18@gmail.com

其他国家:新加坡 Singapore

银行: OCBC

户口号码: 708012398001

户口名字: Namo Amituofo Organization Ltd.

[UEN register no: 201929808D]

地址: 27 Lor 27 Geylang Singapore 388163

* 转账供养后,请联系新加坡道场-弥陀寺。
联系号码: +65-8818 4848 Whatsapp
留言:转账户口的姓名 (IC Name),电话号码和供养金额。


Thank you for your donation and support. May Amitabha Buddha’s merits and virtues of immeasurable light and life, embrace and protect all sentient beings, to be free from calamities and illnesses, increase in blessings and longevity, be blessed all the time, wishes fulfilled, have faith in Amitabha and recite his name to be reborn in the Pure Land. Namo Amituofo

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