2023年弥陀诞暨皈依法会(新山) ⎮ 2023.12.23


|日期|23-12-2023 (六)
|道场|淨土宗 新山 弘願念佛會
|地址|17, Jln Anggerik 42, Tmn Johor Jaya 81100 JB.
|联系|+6019-481 1848


On 23 December 2023, the Johor Bahru Branch of Pure Land Buddhism held a grand Amitabha Buddha's Birthday and Refuge Ceremony. This event attracted a hundred participants, including those who were willing to take refuge in the Three Gems together. Participants included not only local lotus friends but also families from Indonesia who flew in to join in the ceremony.


▪ 在法会的开始,净本法师向大众详细解释了念佛法门的殊胜之处,强调念佛不仅带来福报,更重要的是能够引领我们走向解脱之道。师父的开示既深入浅出,又让在场众人深切感受到弥陀的慈悲救度。 

At the beginning of the ceremony, Master Jingben explained to the audience in details on the extraordinary aspects of the Nianfo, emphasizing that Nianfo brings not only blessings but more importantly, leads us on the path to liberation. The master's teachings were both profound and accessible, deeply moving the audience with Amitabha Buddha's compassionate deliverance.

▪ 在法会的过程中,净本法师为大众进行了皈依仪式。参与者或单独,或携家带口,甚至还有带着家里的宠物一同感受这一生命中的重要时刻。莲友们在净本法师的带领下,在佛前虔诚诵念三皈依文词,表达了对佛教信仰的依止。法会的气氛庄重而祥和,每个人的脸上都流露出法喜充满。

During the ceremony, Master Jingben conducted a refuge ceremony for the attendees. They took part either individually or with their families, and some even brought their pets to experience this significant moment in their lives. Led by Master Jingben, the devotees recited the Three Refuges in front of the Buddha, expressing their devotion to Buddhism. The atmosphere of the ceremony was solemn and harmonious, with joy evident on everyone's faces.


▪ 随着法会的结束,大众莲友们对净本法师的开示引领表达感恩。这次的弥陀诞法会不仅加深了他们对阿弥陀佛的了解,更坚定了他们的念佛信仰。 

As the ceremony concluded, the audience expressed their gratitude to Master Jingben for his guidance. This Amitabha Buddha's Birthday ceremony not only deepened their understanding of Amitabha Buddha but also strengthened their faith in Nianfo.







净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism
▪ 马来西亚:+6019-4848 123
▪ 新加坡:+65-8818 4848
▪ 网站:https://www.plb-sea.org
▪ Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@plb18


【2024年龙年春联结缘品】⎮ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism


新加坡:2023年弥陀诞百人皈依法会⎮ 2023.12.24