Harmed Frogs delivered by Amitabha Buddha


By Dharma Master Jing Ben


🔸 A Frog Toyed to Death

There was a mother, who took her children to a park to play. One of her children (3 years old) played with a frog and directly stoned it to death while playing. Her children became very nervous by what they saw and started to cry, as they knew they were in trouble. Upon seeing what had happened, the mother told her 3-year-old son, “Animals which are hurt are in a very pitiful and painful state. But since it has happened, let’s recite ‘Namo Amituofo’ together and let Amitabha Buddha deliver the little frog to the Land of Bliss, so that it will be free from sufferings and attain eternal happiness.” When the innocent son heard what his mother said, he immediately recited ‘Namo Amituofo’ for some time. He continued with several recitations before going to bed the same night, until he fell asleep.

🔸 Amitabha Buddha’s Compassionate Deliverance of the Dead Frog

Unexpectedly, when the three-year-old son woke up the next day, he happily ran to his mother and said, “Mommy, the frog and I went to Amitabha Buddha’s home to play last night.” The mother was surprised by what she heard. How could it be possible for her son and the frog to go play in the Pure Land? It turned out that her son had dreamt of Amitabha Buddha after reciting 'Namo Amituofo' at bedtime the previous night. Amitabha Buddha had taken her son and the frog that he had killed to the Land of Bliss, where they both had fun. The son also apologised to the frog, which had no longer taken the matter to heart, so they both had a great time playing in the Pure Land. The mother continued to ask, "What does Amitabha Buddha look like?" The son said, "Amitabha Buddha has a round face and big ears, and smiles all day long.“

The son also mentioned that, besides Amitabha Buddha, he also saw another little frog. The mother was surprised and asked: "Why are there two frogs? Isn't there only one?" The son said, "Oh, another frog that was killed by my brother had also gone to the Pure Land." The mother did not know of this, so she went to verify with the brother and sister. They confirmed that they had killed another frog at that time but they did not tell their mother.

🔸 Transcendental Deliverance by ‘Namo Amituofo’ Recitation is Most Remarkable

We can see from this case that children who are persuaded by the adults to recite ‘Namo Amituofo’ has enabled the dead little frogs to gain rebirth in the Land of Bliss. The boy merely recited and as a result, not only were the two frogs led to the Pure Land by Amitabha Buddha, he himself also had a merry time there. Adults may be particular about various ceremonial ostentations when it comes to transcendental deliverance, but in this case, the children  simply recited and deliverance was achieved. That is why Great Master Yinguang once said: “Of all Dharma activities, ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation should be foremost, the rest are all just presentable fronts. The Pure Land practice surpasses all other methods. Be it transcendental deliverance, praying for elders’ longevity and so on, all wishes can be fulfilled. " Killing, needless to say, is always bad, but it doesn't mean that those who have killed, cannot redeem themselves. There is at least the method of ‘Namo Amituofo’ recitation, in which all can be salvaged by Amitabha Buddha. This is also the ultimate and perfect method for eliminating one's sinful karma and liberating all miserable sentient beings from the birth-and-death cycle. (End)

Translation of excerpt from Master Jing Ben’s ‘2020 Online Q & A’

中文原稿 / 净本法师 述

🔸 玩弄青蛙至死

有一位莲友,是一位妈妈,一次带几位孩子去公园玩。但是其中一个孩子不好好玩,就拿一只青蛙来玩。当时,他直接用石头把青蛙砸死掉。这些小孩子一看到就很紧张,知道惹祸了,所以就哭了起来。妈妈看到以后就跟孩子(三岁)说,:“动物被伤害很可怜、会很痛苦。但是既然都发生了,我们就一起念佛,让阿弥陀佛接引小青蛙到极乐世界,这样小青蛙就可以离苦得乐了。” 当时这个单纯的儿子听到,马上嘴巴念念有词地念起南无阿弥陀佛…南无阿弥陀佛…等到晚上睡觉前,他也还念几声,一直念佛入睡。

🔸 蒙佛慈悲化解救度

结果没有想到,隔天醒过来的时候,这个三岁的儿子就很高兴地跑来跟妈妈说:“妈妈,昨晚我有跟小青蛙到阿弥陀佛的家去玩呢。” 妈妈当时听到也感到很惊讶,因为怎么会说和小青蛙到阿弥陀佛的家去玩呢?原来昨天晚上念佛入睡,这个小儿子梦到阿弥陀佛了。阿弥陀佛带着他和那只被他砸死的小青蛙到了极乐世界。在极乐世界他跟青蛙都玩得很开心。小儿子说,那个时候看到小青蛙就跟小青蛙道歉,但是小青蛙已经不在意了,所以两位在净土玩得很开心。妈妈听了就继续问:“那阿弥陀佛长什么样子的?”儿子说:“阿弥陀佛的脸是长得圆圆的、耳朵大大的,而且阿弥陀佛整天就是笑瞇瞇的。”  



🔸 念佛超度最胜

所以各位我们看,小孩子被大人劝说,念南无阿弥陀佛可以让过世的小青蛙到极乐世界,他真的就这样念一念。结果两只青蛙就真的蒙佛接引到净土了,还有自己也到极乐世界玩了一圈。大人讲超度可能还要一大堆的排场,但是小孩子就这样单纯地念念佛就超度了。所以印光大师曾经说:“至于做佛事,当以念佛为第一,余皆场面好看而已;念佛一法,超过一切。或荐亡,或祈亲寿,并一切所求,皆可如愿。” 当然讲到杀生总是不好的;但是也不是说以前杀过生的就没有办法挽回。至少有念南无阿弥陀佛、蒙佛救度的法门。这也是一个让自己罪业消除、也让受伤的众生能解脱的圆满方法。(完)



死去五天 念佛复活

